Saturday, November 04, 2006

Green veg

Ok, so I went to see my Mum. She's suddenly taken an interest in my food blog when she realised the majority of my posts involved unhealthy food. 'But where's the green veg?', she asked, launching into a lecture on the benefits of spinach.

Now, I know I have the occasional pub lunch, which often involves nibbling on a few chips, and I do go out drinking more than I ought to, which often leads to the consumption of crisps/nachos/other fatty foods and a greater chance of eating fried/stodgy foods for lunch the next day, but I don't think my overall diet is particularly unheathly. I eat my five fruit and veg a day with relish, in most cases I prefer brown rice/pasta/bread to the more unhealthy white equivalents, I only drink coffee occasionally, I don't smoke and I exercise regularly - ok, so if I cut out my recent chocolate brownie habit, my love for more butter than toast on a cold morning, the booze and the odd cafe trip at work when my energy levels slump at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I'm sure I'd be healthier (but not happier) , but I don't think I'm doing too badly.

But Mum's nagging made me think about this blog, and I realised I only really write about the indulgent food I eat - the food I treat myself with, or use to cheer myself up. Some of my blogs have been about healthy meals, but there are far more containing tags for chocolate, crisps or cookies than there are for spinach or pui lentils. But I do eat them - and enjoy them. Well, not the lentils as I have a thing against pulses - something to do with the texture... I love spinach though, and other greens. So, I have resolved to try and make my blog reflect all the food I eat, rather than just the comfort food or what I think about at my 3pm slump. It's not like I'm going to blog after every meal to try and prove this - that would make very dull reading and writing - but from this point forward I intend to be more aware of the balance of food I'm posting about, even if it's just to get my Mum off my back...

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